Rothfus Statement on Syrian Refugees

Press Release

Date: Nov. 16, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

In the wake of the recent ISIS terrorist attacks in France, Lebanon, and other nations, Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] called for a moratorium on the entry of Syrian refugees into the United States until security concerns are met. The Obama Administration announced in September that the U.S. would take at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year. In testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security last month, FBI Director James Comey said that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of these refugees.

"President Obama's assessment that these barbaric acts are merely "setbacks' is mistaken. His proposed policy of accepting thousands of Syrian refugees into American towns and cities is deeply misguided and puts the American people at risk. The safety and security of the American people is a nonnegotiable priority. Americans need to know their elected officials are doing everything we can to prevent similar acts of terror here at home. The American people are a compassionate people and desire to aid in the humanitarian crises occurring abroad. The U.S. has been more generous in aid efforts than any other country in the world and has given $4.5 billion in humanitarian relief for those affected by the war in Syria. Until refugees can be properly vetted, however, it would be unwise to allow them into the country."
